======= Usage ======= .. latex:vspace:: -10px .. click:: repo_helper_github.cli:github :prog: repo-helper github :nested: none Commands ----------- .. latex:vspace:: -10px new ***** .. click:: repo_helper_github.cli:new :prog: repo-helper github new :nested: none update ******* .. click:: repo_helper_github.cli:update :prog: repo-helper github update :nested: none secrets ******** .. click:: repo_helper_github.cli:secrets :prog: repo-helper github secrets :nested: none labels ******** .. click:: repo_helper_github.cli:labels :prog: repo-helper github labels :nested: none Tokens ----------- The token passed to the :option:`-t / --token <-t>` argument, or set as the ``GITHUB_TOKEN`` environment variable, must have the following OAuth scopes: * ``public_repo`` -- Access public repositories * ``workflow`` -- Update github action workflows * ``read:org`` -- Read org and team membership, read org projects For information on creating a personal access token please see the `GitHub Documentation `_.